Booking Terms & Conditions


  • A non-refundable deposit amount will be outlined in your Invoices and must be paid in order to formally accept your offer.

  • A booking confirmation will only be issued when full payment has been received.

  • Payments can be made using: Credit/Debit Card via Stripe or Wire Transfer

  • Bank details are provided on the invoice.

  • Payments for accommodation must be received in full 8 weeks prior to the check-in date.

  • Bookings made within 8 weeks of arrival must be paid in full at the time of booking.

  • Payment must include all bank transfer charges (including intermediary bank charges).


All cancellations and terminations must be made in writing to the Operator Manager of Capybara House

  • Capybara House will not be liable in any way to the student in the event of any service, contracted to be supplied by Capybara House, becoming impossible to supply because of industrial disputes, extreme weather events, national emergencies, government health warnings, or other causes outside of the control of Capybara House. Capybara House will not be liable for loss, damage, or injury to persons or property howsoever caused, save where the liability is expressly imposed beyond exclusion by statute. When applicable, Capybara House will endeavor to complete all approved refunds within 60 working days of approval of cancellation.
  • Accommodation bookings may be cancelled up to 4 weeks before the check-in date. For cancellations 14 to 28 days before the check-in date, Capybara House will apply a 1-week accommodation price charge and a €80 administration penalty. From 1 to 14 days before the check-in date, 50% of the full amount with a €80 administration penalty.
  • All accommodation cancellations after the check-in date are non-refundable. The same applies if you have to shorten your stay, payment is non-refundable. No-shows, failure to arrive or postponement incur charges in full from the check-in date. We can't guarantee accommodation with a Host Families even with abooking confirmation as they may face personal problems beyond Capybara House's controls. In any case, where the company can't provide the accommodation specified in the booking confirmation letter, Capybara House will do its best to find another host family. Otherwise, a refund will be made.


  • Any Harassment, including but not limited to, sexual, racial or religious, towards Host family members, staff, or other students hosted by Capybara House or any other institution will not be tolerated in any way.
  • Physical or mental abuse towards Host family members, staff, or, other students hosted by Capybara House or any other institution will also not be tolerated.
  • If any of the above behaviors occur, then this can lead to immediate expulsion from the accommodation.
  • If you have a complaint, please report this to Capybara House's staff by email and a manager will be notified immediately. We will endeavour to rectify the situation if it is within our capability.


Do you have a problem or something that bothers you during your stay with Capybara House? Don't take it home with you; we are here to help. During your stay, you will be able to talk with members of staff to discuss how your stay is and if there are any issues that we can help resolve.

At the end of your stay, you will also be asked to complete a questionnaire. This will monitor your satisfaction level and help us to improve.

All formal complaints must be made in writing by email which must be sent to the Operation Manager. The student must provide in the email all relevant details of the complaint including the name of the individual or service about which the complaint is being made, dates, times, witnesses, and circumstances of the event(s) being complained of and should also describe any previous attempts at resolution. Finally, the student may wish to suggest what reasonable steps he/she thinks could be taken to resolve the complaint.

In order to ensure that complaints can be dealt with efficiently and quickly they should normally be made within one week of the relevant event and, in any case, no later than two weeks after the event.

The Operation Manager will issue a written acknowledgement of receipt of the complaint normally within 5 working days. The Operation Manager will conduct such investigations, including possibly meeting with the student and/or the respondent, and seek such further information as it requires and deems fit to determine a resolution to the matter being complained of.

A written recommendation on how the matter can be/has been resolved will be sent to the complainant. The response will normally be issued within 30 days.

Appeals must be made in writing directly to the Operation Manager within 5 days.


When a student or company books accommodation with Capybara House, they will be supplied with all contact details of the host family where he/she will be hosted, along with emergency contact numbers for use in emergency situations outside of office hours. A Capybara House member of staff is available on this number 24 hours of the day, 365 days a year. Our emergency contact is +353 1 443 4958